“What if bodies don’t have to age? What if we can partner with nature to create a better future for all? And what if these elements are interconnected, working together harmoniously? I believe they are!”
Welcome to the vibrant world of Shauna Teaken, a trailblazer in the realms of youthful vitality, expanded consciousness, and holistic well-being. For over 40 years, Shauna has been a self-proclaimed human guinea pig, rigorously exploring diets, exercise regimens, meditation techniques, healing modalities, and personal growth systems. Her relentless quest: to uncover the secrets of maintaining youthful energy while making a positive impact on the earth and its inhabitants.

Shauna’s journey led her to create “Energy Flows,” her unique form of guided energy exercise. For four years, she streamed daily sessions, tuning into global energies and their personal impacts, while guiding participants in contributing positively to places and situations around the world, from natural disasters to conflict zones.
Her deep awareness of the body’s potential for rejuvenation was further ignited during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnt out from three years of international travel and teaching, Shauna developed the “Youthful You 21 Days” programme. This initiative tapped into the body’s natural youthening systems, offering participants a transformative journey towards revitalisation.
Reaching menopause became another turning point, revealing to Shauna the immense creative and life force energy available during this phase of life. This revelation birthed the “Bloom” programme, designed to harness and celebrate this powerful energy.
Shauna’s infectious exuberance and vibrant energy inspire and activate similar energies in others. Her work spans continents—from Rio to Tokyo, St. Petersburg to Corsica, and Tahiti to Paris—bringing awareness, happiness, and mutual contribution to people worldwide.
The shift to online classes during COVID-19 brought a new era of accessibility and expansion. Shauna embraced this change, finding it rejuvenating and aligning perfectly with her vision of ease and flow. No longer is there a need for struggle and hard work to achieve well-being. Instead, Shauna’s teachings focus on presence, relaxation, and energy flow as keys to transformation.

Through her extensive experience in healing and personal growth, Shauna has developed innovative energy techniques that rejuvenate and youthen the body, expand life’s enjoyment, and naturally heal teeth and gums. Her Gold Energy Flows offer a unique form of meditation that creates deep cellular transformation and harnesses frequencies for expanded well-being and happiness.
Shauna believes our bodies hold untapped capacities for creativity, joy, and vitality that become more accessible with age. She invites you to awaken these capacities through her classes, guided energy sessions, and monthly telecalls. Join Shauna in this extraordinary journey towards a more delicious, satisfying life that contributes to a better future for all.