Get Out of Time


What if time was malleable?

Past Present Future.

Time is the ultimate control – it seems everything in this reality is about time – particularly the past and the future. But it is the PRESENT which has the power.

We’ll explore the malleability of time, each day playing with its seeming limitations – including ageing, creating for the future, releasing the past, and being PRESENT.

One-hour telecall plus 30 days of Energy Flows

Gold Energy Flows are Shauna’s unique style of energy exercise which allows the body to relax and your being to connect with your body and the earth.

Having a daily energetic connection between your body, being and the earth is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and being able to share that with even one other person in a group is a wonderful bonus!

These few minutes in the day of being present, changes the future, your future, dynamically. And it’s great practice to be more present every moment.

The Energy Flows allow you to tune in to the energy on the planet and contribute in ways you could not have imagined, as weather, politics, economic and social changes have escalated intensely.

We all know more than we are willing to acknowledge, and we all contribute far more than we realise. To each other, the planet, the animals and nature beings.

Your awareness of and receiving from your ‘team’/ guides  can really open up with this energy exercise.

Many participants find that they are sleeping better, trusting themselves more, having expanded awareness of nature spirits, money flows increasing and much more.


Important Information


Digital products will be delivered as soon as possible after live classes or  immediately for past recorded material into the My account section of this site and  will always be available there for streaming or download.*

When there are translations, please allow 48 hours for this to be completed.

(Bloom, Blossom & Bliss subscription members will have access to the material  included in their chosen program as long as they remain subscribed. Any changes to a subscription must be requested by emailing at least three (3) business days prior to the next  renewal date.)

  • With the exception of Happy Mouth™ recorded classes, there are no  downloads for the Basics Class, access to view is given for 90 days only.  Please allow 24 hours for access.

Refunds & Cancellations  

Digital Goods and Online Courses: Due to the nature of digital data, we cannot  refund digital goods and/or online courses.

Terms of Use

All rights reserved. No part of this content or material may be reproduced by any  mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic  recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied  for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in  articles and reviews—without prior written permission from and/or Shauna Teaken does not dispense medical advice or  prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or  medical problems without the advice of a physician or dentist either directly or  indirectly. The intent of this material and guidance is only to offer information of a  general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. In the event you use any of the information for yourself,  and/or Shauna Teaken assume no responsibility for your actions.